I am starting this site to help me organize my personal planning, execution, and assessment efforts. At my day job, part of my daily responsibilities include business continuity planning. To this point I have not really made a concerted effort to incorporate that level of detailed planning into my urban lifestyle. That's about to change.
This site is for everyone. I will make every attempt to keep my personal politics out of the site content. I will not cater to one political party over another. If you like that sort of blogging, there are a multitude of other preparedness and survival blogs available for you. A simple Google search will provide you 40 or 50 at your fingertips.
And...I won't try to scare anyone with predictions of an impending economic apocalypse. I won't predict gold and silver prices. I won't pretend to understand the global implications of out of control hyper-inflation. There are other sites on the internet that cater to those audiences better than I ever could. A quick visit to the local Barnes and Noble can provide that for you better than I can.
In my view, we don't and can't really ever know what we are preparing for, but we should know by now that we need to be prepared for it. I hope you will decide to join my on the journey. Learn from my research, successes and mistakes.
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